Friday, August 6, 2010

Quebec Rant

Today, I am a less proud Canadian. Don’t get me wrong I love Canada, but Quebec’s stupidity, it appears, is on a much higher level then I thought it was. But I am no separatist, and Quebec Is part of Canada, so if I am ashamed of Quebec then the rest of Canada must share the shame to. It all started at dinner tonight...

In honor of my cousin’s arrival from Switzerland we had a big family dinner and invited all the awesome people in my family. My cousin said she mentioned seeing a bunch of stores that were badly translated to French. Like for example, what I consider the most shameful part of Quebec, PKF (Poulet FrIt Kentucky). The part of Switzerland that my cousin is from is completely French and she’s never seen anything like this. Seriously, It’s embarrassing. So anyways
We got on the subject of Quebec’s ridiculous language protection laws and my aunt, who happened to know a lot about the subject, started talking about how there are these officers for keeping the French language Intact. And they are dumb. Because basically it’s there job to make sure French Is being used enough, and they fine people for stupid things. For example, bars sometimes get free costars from beer companies because they advertise the company but the bars get them free, win right? Not if you live here because most bear companies are In English, these costars are In English. A bar got FINED for that. hgsduerow'j;lkgjdfa WTF??? And there are supposedly all these other laws about how signs, if they are In English and French, must have the French translation twice as big as the English one. Of course if you have one just In French this is not a problem. If you have one just In English then... oh wait, that’s not allowed. Never mind.
And supposedly there are a bunch of these laws, like if your business has more then a certain number of employees; they have to communicate with each other In French. If you say him, Instead of bonjour, him then you could get fined and all this other crap.

My aunt also says that there are all these signs around MontrĂ©al that say "mercy de me service en Francais" (thank you for serving me In French). Now that I think of one I think I've seen them before. And then there are more adds for that kind of thing on ENGLISH radio stations, which basically means that they’re telling the Anglophones to speak French to, which is annoying.

I am not the type of person who complains about taxes. Our sales tax here is around 15%, which is high, but I've always trusted my government enough to use this money well, on schools, fixing roads, health care... the average. Things I use and should contribute to. But apparently they're also spending it on ads telling me I need to speak French. I like French (not Quebecois French but still) I have no problem using It In stores or when I go around, but I don't want to be told I have to and pay for the advertisements telling me to do It.

So this annoys me, I am thankful that the rest of Canada doesn’t say "FINE QUEBEC, YOU WANNA SEPERATE... WE DONT FUCKING WANT YOU ANYWAYS". Seriously were such hassles I don't understand why they bother. (It’s all money for sure)

But my cousins here and were having a good time :) She's excited to go to the gay pride parade next Sunday

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Zombie planning

CRAP. I forgot
Hi 10m.

So last week I saw part of a comedy zombie movie with my cousin.. It wasn't supposed to be scary but funny and it was during broad daylight, not scary right. Right (you probably expected a caps lock WRONG there but it wasn't. so why am I writing about it?). But there was this one scene when this super hot girl was talking about how a scary homeless guy was chasing her and trying to bite her (zombie. but she didn't know that) and she fell asleep on the protagonists (a nerdy guy *who was ecstatic at this point because of his luck*) so they fall asleep, then when he wakes up, SHES A ZOMBIE
And it’s terrifying because it just happened. Everything was ok, then it wasn't. Having a fear of the world you trust not being trustworthy is an annoyingly common fear, and to be honest, I’m really confused about why this is scaring me so much. I always thought that I was the type of person who enjoyed the unexpected. But maybe I only like change when I can control what’s changing. That bothers me because when you have a plan, one that goes well, the only thing that can happen is what is planned. When you don't think about things so hard or plan to closely the unexpected and amazing things that you never would have found on your own happen and its awesome because not only do you end up finding something out about yourself that you never could have found on your own, but because you didn't plan it makes it seem so much better. For example, I never PLANED becoming a huge nerd. The plan was to watch the vlogbrothers videos because they were funny, that was it. And now look at me. My planes should go wrong more, but they don't because I think about them too much. I love thinking about things and discovering everything about anything I can, but sometimes I wonder what would happen if I stopped planning everything out in such a way that nothing is allowed to go wrong, and just did things.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Hey guys, i have a game called lets see how much blogging sophie can get done in 19 minutes

so work was boaring today as usual but this time it was also epic. I know, that makes no sense but beer with me. so sitting in an office without moving for six hours will not be fun, point blank. However... this time because of my good friend Patrick... who I promis i will get doctor who to some how, lent me firefly wich is THE MOST amazing thing ever. the charachters are amazing and sexy as hell which is a nice bonus, the storys are great and everything is basically just magicly wonderful... the show is but not the storyline.. I wont spoil anything to save myself from getting decapetated by alex, but ya, awesome. It really makes me curse fox news though because although firefly is a great show, i only get to enjoy its awesome for one season before getting cut off and left in wonder about what happens. really fox, is it actually difficult to play shows in the RIGHT ORDER, LOGIC PEOPLE come on!!! so thats that 12 minutes. SO meny things are picking at my brain right now aeldfgjsggg i still need to register for leakycon, i need to get wings for my cosplay at otakuthon which has now become much more important because it turns out my best friend from elementry school is a huge anime nerd and is going which means that i can't look stupid because now i have someone i can't embarress myself infront of. I have my driving theory packet siting on my desk waiting for me to actually look at it and reminding me that no matter how stupid the whole thing is, i do actually need it to get my licsense. six minutes. just a side note i can write more then that in six minutes i just stoped to edit my settings for the video i just posted on NFR.
the best part of my day today was probably getting Barley Politicals Key Of Awesome album. And going out for sushi. Sushi. Yum. As terrified as I am of getting some fucked up internal parisite, Atami is soooo good
out of time

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So I am currently at work which means that I am bored out of my mind. I have a job renting out apartments to students in the McGill Getto (which isn’t really a Getto at all). This sounds like a cool job, but it’s not. It would be if there were people to actually show apartments to, but I basically just sit in an office all day with no one to talk to and nothing to do. At least my last job as a secretary had internet. So while I’m stuck here instead of starting my summer reading I’ve just been watching Winnie the pooh in Italian and listening to pre loaded YouTube videos of Disney Classic songs translated to Italian in the hopes that I might learn something. At the moment I am listening to Il Mondo e mio which is a whole new world but the title actually translates to a world is mine. I like it much better in Italian then English. Later today I get to see Patrick!!!


patrick alex and I went to Ecto's house which was awesome. We watched DW and Firefly and quoted AVPS, and ate red vines that patrick brought back from Toronto. I'm really excited to have made another nerdfigher friend YAY

RAWR I AM HAVING SO MUCH TROUBLE WITH THIS. i just tried to quit but Patrick yelled at me saying that i made him start and can't quit. FINE. But I have Ten minutes until it's tomorrow so don't expect anything good. Everyone who blogs/ vlogs are always so interesting, it always discourages me from vlogging or blogging because i figure that these people have interesting enough lives for them to just talk about it and have people read/love it. I am not interesting, I go to school and work and see friends. I am not the type of person who gets involved in things, I love listening and learning to others and soaking up knowledge but when it comes to actually DOING things that i could possibly tell other people about. FOUR MINUTS. I want to change this, non existant people that read this could you please challenge me to do interesting things or suggest things that would involve me pushing myself so that i don't spend hours in front of this computer writing and deleting over and over again because in truth i have nothing to write about?!?!

Monday, August 2, 2010


I am officially in love with one Patrick Park. . Not sure why, I just love him. a lot. It's so perfect though because were both nerds, He's half asian and I've always dreamed of marrying an asian guy (i was hoping for chinese but Koreans always were hotter). He Dances, When i was in Italy i was skyping him and all the other girls couldn't stop talking about how cute he was. so I would get to make all the other girls jealous with my sexy nerd boy ;) ... GUESS WHAT LADIES guess who's Patricks Patronus...ME. not you!!! haha.bitches. you lose. he even mentioned me in is blog *gloats*PATRICK I MISS YOU SO MUCH and am overly ecstatic to see you tomorow :D

In non Patrick News, Today was horribly boring until about twenty minutes ago when i decided my cosplay for otakuthon (an anime convention). I've decided to be the pokemon articuno (patrick likes it ;). Oh, i also started driving lessons... but not the actual driving part, just the theory. It's probably the dullest class i have ever attended.
What sister was throwing out all her old stuff and ended up giving me a poster of a mother giraffe kissing a baby giraffe on the head. first thought = giraffes who loves giraffes which is now writen at the bottem of the poster in sharpie. sorry about this, slow day slow blog i guess. sorry for the shortness
I kind of just want to get back to epic skype convorsations and waiting for Xi Chen to log onto her chinese facebook account so i can talk to her

Sunday, August 1, 2010

BEDA!! day one

Hey, so BEDA starts today. Because my attempts to blog have failed from the second day that I signed up for this account, I thought i might try this project as a way o force myself to blog in the hope that I will continue after this project is over.

THAT was a painfully boring/typical introduction. I apologize for that in the hops that You do not judge me based on it and... I don't know..keep reading... maybe?? you never know, there might be something worth sticking around for.
So I am currently with my family. No one my age- all old people. But they're all awesome. Also, they all look REALLY good. Just a side note , it's remarkable how bad i am at vlogging. in the time it has taken me to write this, I watched all the videos in my subscription box plus many various others, went though the HI and How you've grown of 16 family members (3m each on average) bought a weezy waiter shirt (mmm clones) and gotten and resolved a fight with my sister about potato chips. In other news the OMFGHOWTHEHELLCANIPAYFORLEAKYCON panic has just at this moment settled over me and, of course IM FREAKING OUT. I know it's a little late to be freaking out but until now i had a good paying job for august renting out apartments in the McGill Getto. But now all the apartments are already rented outs and I haven't even started! Damn Alex (kira902k) for buying the awesome yet horribly expensive pass ticket whateveryoucallit thing. I'm sure it will worth the money but it's no fun thinking about paying it now. Anyways. , I'm off to enjoy a wonderfull Iraqi style dinner that my grandmother made (Iraqi Jew from Canada REPRESENT)
and if anyone is going to leakycon '11 or can tell me how to follow other people's blogs (or just use this site in general) I would love to know, and I would love even more for you to tell me
not sure how to end i say bye

Saturday, July 18, 2009

excitment of a first blog

YAY my first blog
i'm so excited. but i am not exactly sure what to write about...i wrote a blog for my friend once during BEDA but i've never done one of my own. But blogging about not knowing how to blog probably isn't the right way to do it.
So my name is Sophie but use the username LifeInaPizzaBox. The name came from gr 8 when my friend Alex and i came up with an amazing medifore for how life is EXACTLY like a pizza box... But i can't remember it, but rest assured... it was good. I am a huge harry potter fan, i weeeeeeeeeeennnt to leaky con SQUEEE it was so amazing. Alex Carpender. Guitar. Smash. Awesome. I am also a nerdfighter, and all i can do is wait here in Canada helplessly while all events are in Australia and Chicago.
So thats me. But I'm really excited to start blogging YAY